Alkaline Water Benefits
When you drink alkaline water, you are drinking healthy water with excess oxygen, not in the form of O2, but in the form of OH which is very stable because it is mated with postively ionized alkaline minerals. Two of these hydroxyl ions can form a water molecule (H2O) and produce one oxygen atom. The alkaline molecule is used to detoxify toxic acid compounds. When this happens, the hydroxyl ion is freed to supply excess oxygen to the cells to prevent the development of cancer. It is indeed the case of killing two birds with one stone.
We are talking about two kinds of oxygen. One is in a dynamic form, O2, and the other is in the stable bias form of OH mated with positively ionized alkaline molecules. The body needs both kinds of oxygen. If you hold your breath, O2 is cut off and you die, and if your body pH goes down below 7, OH is cut off and you would also die. When breathing stops, O2 is first used up and the body will use up OH secondly, then death will occur. People with high alkalinity, like babies, would live longer than those without high alkalinity. |